Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why I Quit Second Life

So, I figure it deserves explanation.

I quit Second Life because:

A) My inventory was completely Huge and unmanageable. I'm ADD, am not very organized, and I came to loathe this massive inventory I was carrying around with me. Since I don't have excellent organization skills or the ability to delete things without pondering their meaning and significance, I just gave up.

B) I run Second Life on an Intel iMac. It's a pretty good computer, never really had a problem before, but I don't know what has happened. The current viewer runs like peanut butter on my computer. I can barely move, textures don't rez for ages. It's just horrible. I'm just enough of a computer nerd to get on the internet and work through simple problems, but not enough to figure this shit out.

C) Second Life drama making me feel like shit in real life, i.e. the Lucky Kitty Crew debacle. See previous posts.

D) I found World of Warcraft. Actually this should be the first reason, but this is a stream of consciousness post.

World of Warcraft is everything that Second Life is not. There's shit TO DO, a storyline (lore) to follow, Quests, Achievements, EXCELLENT customer service via the Game Masters, Manageable inventory system, and Moving around in-game is no problem. Lag? What lag?

If I could take my Bare Rose decked out avatar from Second Life and walk straight into WoW with her, I'd be happy. But, it has turned out to be a better online experience for me.

So, that's my reason. And my free time, my leisure time away from work, is MY TIME. I really don't owe anyone anything. If you want to hang with me, feel free to sent a /whisper to Ailadra on the Onyxia PvP (Player vs Player) realm.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!


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